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Net Zero

Customer Focused Quality Efficient

Sustainability Policy Statement

Green Commercial Cleaning has been a successful business since the 1990s. As a family-run operation our mission is to provide the best cleaning and facilities management services – constantly improving everything we do, whilst caring for clients, staff, and our environment.

Green Commercial Cleaning have been at the forefront of responsible environmental practise in the cleaning industry for many years. ISO 14001 Certification was achieved for our Environmental Management System over ten years ago. As an independent company we have been able to evolve with best practise in our sector in the areas of waste management, resource use and energy management. Our cleaning products are deliberately chosen based on their environmental impact. Over 70% of the products we use are water-based, and their application is maximised whilst being mindful of specific hygiene requirements.

We acknowledge that delivery of our sustainability objectives is reliant on our staff. We are therefore determined to protect our staff’s mental and physical wellbeing. Our nurturing approach to people management ensures we continue to maintain an enviably low staff turnover. We uphold a working environment in which diversity is recognised, valued, and encouraged. Ex-offenders are considered for employment based on their individual merit. Those with disabilities are provided with appropriate working conditions to support their success. It is important to us that recruitment agencies share our approach and conform to our Policy. Social progression is available internally to all staff via our individual performance review process. We want to create an expert force in our sector.

Whilst we are not obligated to formalise our approach to Modern Slavery, our Policy is broadly based on principles developed by the United Nations and Institute for Human Rights and Business. These principles are extended to all our staff. We also encourage our suppliers to endorse such principles to demonstrate their opposition to human trafficking and modern-day slavery. Our whistleblowing policy has been in place for some time to reassure staff that they can raise genuine concerns in good faith without fear of reprisals, even if they turn out to be mistaken.

Our management team is committed to good governance, compliance and transparency. To this end we have implemented policies and procedures to protect our processes and align with recognised accreditations. We pride ourselves on constantly delivering the highest standard of cleaning at a competitive price. This approach is formalised in our ISO 9001 Quality Management System, which we have maintained for over ten years. At present our focus on commercial cleaning is gradually broadening into facilities management as a service. FM+ has therefore been created to meet the needs of our clients; provide a holistic, modern, facilities service; and support our growth ambitions which will see our geographical reach expand.

This Statement is communicated to all employees and is available to all interested parties.

James Needler, Managing Director
September 2024